2024 Annual Disability Lecture - Changing the disability narrative: From unseen to understood
Disabled people make up 24% of the UK population and 1.85 billion people globally, but all too often disability and accessibility are afterthoughts across institutions, business and society.

The Disability Advisory Group and the Equality and Diversity Unit invite you to the 10th Annual Disability Lecture. Speaker Beth Kume-Holland will share a glimpse into her personal journey from Oxford undergraduate and researcher to award-winning CEO and international disability rights advocate. She will delve into some of the key issues around disability and accessibility, why it matters and crucially, how we can each play our part to make institutions and society more accessible, with some practical tips that we can all implement immediately. 

About Beth:

Beth is an award-winning social entrepreneur and the founder of Patchwork Hub, a disabled-led social enterprise providing an accessible jobs board, bespoke recruitment services and training and consultancy for employers. Named one of the 100 most influential disabled people in the UK by the Shaw Trust, Beth is a passionate advocate for disability inclusion and neurodiversity, striving to make the world of work more accessible for people excluded by conventional employment practices. A graduate of Pembroke College, Oxford, and a Harvard University Kennedy Scholar, Beth has previously been employed as Audience and Market Insights Lead at Scope, the disability charity, as well as working as an analyst and research fellow for both Oxford University and Citibank. Beth is also co-founder of the Disabled Entrepreneurs Network and was recently announced as a Commissioner on the UK’s Independent Commission on Healthier Working Lives.
Date: 30 April 2024, 18:00 (Tuesday, 2nd week, Trinity 2024)
Venue: There will be British Sign Language interpretation for in-person and online audiences and live stenographer captioning to ensure accurate captions. The venue has level access, accessible toilets and other accessibility features. - https://www.accessguide.ox.ac.uk/the-blavatnik-school-of-government#collapse1341011
Speaker: Beth Kume-Holland
Organising department: Equality and Diversity Unit
Organisers: Sarah Stephenson-Hunter (University of Oxford), Dr Catherine Walter (University of Oxford Disability Advisory Group)
Organiser contact email address: iona.shaw@admin.ox.ac.uk
Hosts: Sarah Stephenson-Hunter (University of Oxford), Dr Catherine Walter (University of Oxford)
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/annual-disability-lecture-changing-the-disability-narrative-tickets-861566076327?aff=oddtdtcreator
Booking email: iona.shaw@admin.ox.ac.uk
Cost: free
Audience: Public
Editor: Iona Shaw