Translational Fellowships: Perspectives from a BMS mentor and 5 Oxford-BMS Fellows

Professor Anjan Thakurta, Vice President, Translational Development Disease Teams (Heme Cancers), is trained as a molecular biologist and conducted basic and translational research in the last two decades working in cancer biology and translational development of therapies in hematological malignancies. During the last five years, he led large collaborative projects in decoding the Myeloma Genome and establishing the largest database in this disease. He takes a reverse translational approach in his research in using patient derived data to guide the development of scientific hypotheses. His current research interests are understanding the genetic, epigenetic and immune mechanisms that drive high risk disease and therapeutic resistance in Multiple Myeloma and other hematological malignancies and the discovery and development of new therapeutics.

Anjan is a Visiting Professor of Cancer Biology and Translational Medicine at Oxford and works closely with Fellows as part of the Oxford-Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) Fellowships Programme and he along with five fellows will talk about their experiences.