Panel Discussion on Impact in Science

What is research impact? How do we currently measure it? How should we measure it? Should scientists be measured in the same way that we measure scientific output? How do we effectively compare different kinds of impact?

The Better Science Initiative is delighted to be hosting the first panel discussion on Impact in Science bringing together leaders from different aspects of science. This event aims to bring all players to the table: students, researchers, academics, editors and entrepreneurs who want to make science better.


Mr Euan Adie
Founder & CEO at Altmetric

Dr Caroline Bucklow
Senior Knowledge Exchange Officer at Knowledge Exchange & Impact Team, Oxford University

Mr Richard Van Noorden
Senior News Editor at Nature Publishing Group

Professor Stephen Curry
Group Leader at Imperial College London and science blogger

Dr Beverley Sherbon
Impact & Evaluation Advisor at Researchfish

In the modern world, “impact” appears to be the fulcrum around which the entire research universe revolves. Not intellectual curiosity, not technical robustness and certainly not reproducibility. Impact. First and foremost: What impact has this research had? What impact will this research have? Acceptor of papers. Giver of grants. Maker of careers. Impact is king. In a highly competitive world of limited funding and limited time, evaluations of impact appear unavoidable. But what exactly is “impact” and how well do the current frameworks of evaluating research impact live up to the task? How could they be improved?
Register here for free. During the event, we will be seeking questions and contributions from the audience. For more information, contact:

What is The Better Science Initiative?
We are a newly founded organisation that aims to improve the systems around science. The systems that support and surround scientific research are often far from ideal and the conversations that are required to change them far from all-inclusive. We invite contributions from researchers at every level and all those in associated industries to address the shortcomings of our current systems and to seek strategies for improvement. Ultimately, we are concerned with facilitating better outcomes both for science and for scientists.
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