Healthy by Design: What role for the built environment in creating healthy cities?
The GCHU Public Seminar series brings together members of the public, researchers and practitioners interested and engaged in urban issues. The principal aim of the series is to provoke debate and constructive action, linking current best practice in urban development with emerging areas of research.

We have invited four leading voices in the field of healthy cities and the built environment, to pitch their perspectives on the debates around how to create healthy cities. Specifically, speakers have been asked to make pitches to address the question:

Healthy by design: What role for the built environment in creating healthy cities?
Date: 27 April 2022, 17:30 (Wednesday, 1st week, Trinity 2022)
Venue: Kellogg College, 62 Banbury Road OX2 6PN
Venue Details: The Hub
Speakers: Lord Best (House of Lords), Dr Helen Pineo (UCL), Iona O'Carroll (Oxford City Council), Dr Rosie Rowe (Cherwell District Council)
Organising department: Kellogg College
Organisers: Professor Carl Heneghan (Global Centre on Healthcare and Urbanisation, Kellogg College), Dr David Howard (Global Centre on Healthcare and Urbanisation, Kellogg College), Dr Juliet Carpenter (Global Centre on Healthcare and Urbanisation, Kellogg College), Dr Georgia Richards (Global Centre on Healthcare and Urbanisation, Kellogg College)
Organiser contact email address:
Part of: GCHU Public Seminar series
Booking required?: Recommended
Booking url:
Cost: Free
Audience: Public
Editor: Jessie Weavers-Medina