Annual Joint Seminar with the Adolfo Ibáñez University: La clase media chilena durante la dictadura militar (1973-1990)

Marcelo Casals, PhD in Latin American and Caribbean History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. BA and MA in History at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. His research focuses on the history of contemporary political conflicts, especially on twentieth-century Chile. He has studied topics related to Cold War revolutionary and counter-revolutionary thought, and its links to global ideological and political movements. He is author of “El alba de una revolución. La izquierda y el proceso de construcción estratégica de la ‘vía chilena al socialismo’, 1956-1970” (Santiago: LOM, 2010), and “La creación de la amenaza roja. Del surgimiento del anticomunismo en Chile a la ‘campaña del terror’ de 1964” (Santiago: LOM, 2016). Since August 2017 he works as researcher at the Center for the Study of Political History, School of Government, Adolfo Ibáñez University.