Sustainable Diets for all: academic pie-in-the-sky or ecological public health inevitability?

IFSTAL Public Lecture with Professor Tim Lang: Sustainable Diets For All.

The IFSTAL (Innovative Food Systems Teaching and Learning Programme) public lecture is an annual event which showcases a topic of significance to the food system. It brings in experts to provide a bespoke lecture which is transmitted simultaneously to local events in Warwick, Oxford and Reading where there will be respondents/discussants to this lecture. It will be followed by a festive drinks reception.

This year the guest speaker is Tim Lang, Professor of Food Policy at City, University of London. The lecture title is: Sustainable Diets for all: academic pie-in-the-sky or ecological public health inevitability?

The lecture will be chaired by Dr Angela Wright, Chief Scientific Advisor at Compassion in World Farming.

In this lecture, Professor Tim Lang will consider whether the evidence for re-calibrating what we mean by a good diet and good food is an example of how there can be a yawning gap between what science suggests ought to be the case, and what the food system and people’s eating habits can deliver. Or is reality slowly but inexorably forcing changes into the food system, whether consumers like it or not? The lecture will review current state of thinking, evidence and policy realities on this pressing issue. It will suggest that sustainable diets is fast becoming a test case for whether the world’s policy-makers take a food systems approach seriously.

Following the lecture, there will be opportunity for Q&A and networking.

Tim has been a consultant to UN agencies, including auditing the Global Top 25 Food Companies on food and health for the WHO. He was a UK Sustainable Development Commissioner, 2006-11, and has worked closely with civil society organisations locally, nationally and internationally. In 2010 he was appointed to the Mayor of London’s Food Board. He is a frequent commentator on food policy in the media.

The lecture is open to all. If you are not able to attend the lecture in person you can attend a live-stream of the event (plus Q&A and networking) in Oxford in the Gilbert Room, School of Geography and the Environment.

Register here for the Oxford live-stream:

Register here for the live event in London: