Alzheimer's Research UK Dementia Awareness Public Open Day

This event will be held during Brain Awareness Week at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford. This event is aimed at any members of the public with an interest in Dementia. We will have talks on current Dementia research in the region as well as a number of information stands and interactive exhibits where you can find out more about services and support available in the area.

To book your free place register here or call the ARUK administrator, Melanie on 01865 282358. You can also email

We will have a number of information stands from relevant organisations including ARUK, Alzheimer’s Society Oxfordshire, Young Dementia, Dementia Oxfordshire, and Carers Oxfordshire.

Speakers include: Marianne Talbot (Author of Keeping Mum: Caring for Someone with Dementia), Francesco Tamagnini (Reading University), Timothy Johanssen (Oxford Drug Discovery Institute), Jo Brooke (Oxford Brookes University), Ivan Koychev (Oxford University) and Nicky Lovett (Oxford University Hospitals).