Migrating from the Outside: A Panel Event on EU Migration & Refugee Deals

Join us on February 15th at 5:30 for our panel on ‘Migrating from the Outside’. The panel consisting of Mark Goldring, Prof. Alexander Betts, and Prof. Loren Landau will critically engage with the EU’s recent policy plans to outsource migration bureaucracy and asylum applications to Northern Africa, as exemplified by the recent controversial deal with Tunisia. The panel will scrutinise the legal, moral, and logistical implications, benefits, and challenges of these policies and provide a space for discussing the future of just and effective migration policies.

Speakers: Mark Goldring (Asylum Welcome, Director), Prof. Alexander Betts (University of Oxford, Professor of Forced Migration and International Affairs, Director, Refugee Economies Programme), and Prof. Loren Landau (University of Oxford, Professor of Migration and Development, co-director of the Wits-Oxford Mobility Governance Lab (MGL).