Women in Science

The Athena SWAN Charter is a scheme to advance the representation of women in academia.

This seminar series has been designed to look at how people at different stages in their careers combine their working and personal lives.

In this third seminar Professor Kathryn Lilley will talk about her life as a woman in science, the audience will then have an opportunity to share in a question and answer session followed by a chance for informal discussions over coffee and tea.

Professor Lilley is Research Group Head and the Director of the Cambridge Centre for Proteomics. Her laboratory is at the forefront of technology development which enables measurement of the dynamics of the proteome in a high throughput manner in space and time during critical cellular processes such as signalling and differentiation. Her group has also contributed many open-source informatics tools necessary to efficiently mine and visualise the extremely complex data which is produced by spatiotemporal proteomics studies. She is the Athena SWAN champion for the Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, which received a Bronze Award in September 2014.