Habitat Requirements for Butterflies
1747th meeting
Butterfly habitats are being lost due to a variety of factors, including intensive farming, housing developments, road and rail network improvements. Specific requirements of certain endangered species are discussed, as well as the efforts of conservation bodies to save habitats.

Dr Dell is a retired analytical chemist and an enthusiastic amateur lepidopterist. He acts as Purple Emperor species champion for Upper Thames.

Please see www.anhso.org.uk for more information about the Society.
Date: 7 July 2015, 19:45 (Tuesday, 11th week, Trinity 2015)
Venue: The Old School Room, St Peter's Church, First Turn, Wolvercote, OX2 8AQ.
Speaker: Dr Dennis Dell (Butterfly Conservation)
Organiser: Christopher Hoskin (University of Oxford)
Organiser contact email address: publicity@anhso.org.uk
Part of: Ashmolean Natural History Society of Oxfordshire - Indoor Meetings
Booking required?: Not required
Cost: Members Free, Visitors £2
Audience: Public
Editor: Christopher Hoskin