Name: Dr Claudia Manzoni
University of Reading

Events this person is speaking at:

Thursday 12 July 2018 (12th Week, Trinity Term)

ARUK/BRC Dementia Research Day
Date: 12 July 2018, 9:00 - 17:00 (Thursday, 12th week, Trinity 2018)
Speaker s: Dr Claudia Manzoni (University of Reading ), Professor Noel Buckley (Professor of Neurobiology, University of Oxford), Liu Shi (University of Oxford), Fiona Menzies (Eli Lilly), Naiara Demnitz (Department of Psychiatry, Oxford), Vanessa Raymont ( Department of Psychiatry, Oxford), Rosemary Lim (Reading School of Pharmacy), Dr Chris Butler, Clare O'Donoghue ( Oxford Centre for Human Brain Activity (OHBA)), Toms Voits (Reading School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences), Dr Nahid Zokaei (University of Oxford)
Venue: St John's College, St Giles OX1 3JP
Organiser: Melanie Witt (University of Oxford, Department of Earth Sciences, Department of Physiology Anatomy and Genetics)
Hosts: TBA

Saturday 2 March 2019 (7th Week, Hilary Term)

Dementia Information Morning - Alzheimer's Research UK Oxford Network
Date: 2 March 2019, 10:00 - 13:00 (Saturday, 7th week, Hilary 2019)
Speaker s: Dr Mark Dallas (Lecturer in Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience and ARUK Oxford Network Committee member, University of Reading), Katy Stubbs (Alzheimer's Research UK), Emma Mead (ARUK Oxford Drug Discovery Institute), Dr Claudia Manzoni (University of Reading ), Dr Sana Suri (Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Psychiatry, Oxford ), Yaomeng Liu (Oxford Brookes University)
Venue: John Radcliffe Academic, Headington OX3 9DU
Venue Details: Tingewick Hall
Organiser: Melanie Witt (University of Oxford, Department of Earth Sciences, Department of Physiology Anatomy and Genetics)
Host: Dr Mark Dallas (Lecturer in Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience and ARUK Oxford Network Committee member, University of Reading)