Name: Dr Louise Lafortune
University of Cambridge

Events this person is speaking at:

Thursday 28 October 2021 (3rd Week, Michaelmas Term)

Future Age Friendly Communities
Date: 28 October 2021, 14:00 - 15:00 (Thursday, 3rd week, Michaelmas 2021)
Speaker : Dr Louise Lafortune (University of Cambridge)
Venue: Oxford Martin School, 34 Broad Street OX1 3BD
Organisers: TBA
Hosts: TBA

Thursday 9 March 2023 (8th Week, Hilary Term)

Evaluating complex ageing-well interventions using mixed methods approaches: challenges and opportunities
Date: 9 March 2023, 14:00 - 15:00 (Thursday, 8th week, Hilary 2023)
Speaker : Dr Louise Lafortune (University of Cambridge)
Venue: 66 Banbury Road (Wolsey Hall), 66 Banbury Road OX2 6PR
Organiser: Dr Yanan Zhang
Hosts: Dr Yanan Zhang (University of Oxford), Mr Kenneth Howse (Oxford Institute of Population Ageing)