Name: Anthony Milton
University of Sheffield

Events this person is speaking at:

Thursday 6 June 2019 (6th Week, Trinity Term)

England's abortive reformation 1640-42
Date: 6 June 2019, 17:00 - 18:30 (Thursday, 6th week, Trinity 2019)
Speaker : Anthony Milton (University of Sheffield)
Venue: Keble College, Parks Road OX1 3PG
Venue Details: Pusey Room
Organisers: Grant Tapsell (Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford), Diarmaid MacCulloch (Professor of the History of the Church at Oxford University), Judith Maltby (Corpus Christi College), Sarah Mortimer (Christ Church, Oxford)
Hosts: TBA

Tuesday 3 December 2019 (8th Week, Michaelmas Term)

"Calvinist conformists" and English religious politics, 1640-62
Date: 3 December 2019, 17:00 - 18:00 (Tuesday, 8th week, Michaelmas 2019)
Speaker : Anthony Milton (University of Sheffield)
Organisers: TBA
Hosts: TBA

Monday 7 June 2021 (7th Week, Trinity Term)

Further reformation? Episcopalian royalist rethinking in the 1650s
Date: 7 June 2021, 17:00 - 18:00 (Monday, 7th week, Trinity 2021)
Speaker : Anthony Milton (University of Sheffield)
Venue Details: Online with Microsoft Teams
Organisers: TBA
Hosts: TBA