MSt in Women's Studies cohort - Feminist Thinking Seminars

The Feminist Thinking Seminar series is organised by the Masters in Women’s Studies cohort, which takes place between February and June 2021. At each seminar, speakers present and discuss a topic related to feminist theory and its practice.

Our goal for this series is to create inclusive online events which may motivate us to re-imagine the reality we live in. We want to engage in a dialogue that allows us to rethink and propose new ways of allowing greater equality for women, trans people, people of colour, LGBTQ+ people and other groups that have less power in the society we live in. The term ‘feminist thinking’ is up for interpretation – part of our goal is not to decide what feminist thinking is but rather ask what it could be.

We hope our seminar series will cultivate this curiosity, through the speakers we have invited and the discussions that will take place within our seminars. We aim to construct an event that, above all, provides a place for feminists to gather together, which allows for community-building, for putting forward new ideas, and for future hope in light of uncertainty.

Sorry, there are currently no talks scheduled in this series.

This series features in the following public collections: