Edinburgh-Oxford Modern Spanish History Doctoral Seminars

The Edinburgh-Oxford Modern Spanish History Doctoral Seminar is a student-led initiative which offers postgraduate researchers a unique opportunity to present their findings to their peers, discuss their approaches and methods, and engage with the latest historiographical developments in the field. It welcomes participants at every stage of their doctoral studies with the ambition of highlighting the exceptional diversity of research on modern Spanish history taking place in institutions across the country.

Although most participants are based in the United Kingdom, outside papers are welcomed from doctoral candidates studying in Spanish universities.

The seminars take place on Fridays at 4-5.30pm UK time. Each week the seminar features a speaker to present their research. This is followed by a Q&A and then a moderated discussion. The seminars take place in English, and guests are welcome to come along.

For more information, contact seminar organisers:
Adrian Pole at Edinburgh University (adrian.pole@ed.ac.uk), or
Henry Brown at Lincoln College, Oxford (henry.brown@lincoln.ox.ac.uk)
Or seminar administrator: Joshua Newmark (hyjn@leeds.ac.uk)

Follow Modern Spanish History Doctoral Seminars on Twitter @SpainSeminar

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