Careers Service Events
Description: Career and employability events for University of Oxford research students and staff

The events listed below are either part of the Oxford University Careers Service’s bespoke researcher programme or sessions from our wider programme that will appeal to a researcher audience.

Event registration

Research Students can sign up for these sessions through CareerConnect

If you don’t have a CareerConnect account and you are a member of Oxford’s Research Staff, you can sign up by completing a New user registration form. Once the account is confirmed, you can simply Login to CareerConnect.

Find out more about using the CareerConnect platform.

Careers guidance for for University of Oxford researchers

The Careers Service offers support to research students and fixed-term researchers working at Oxford University through one-to-one advice by phone or online appointment (in person appointments available by request), and researcher-specific events and development programmes.

We are here to support your career decision-making and next steps, wherever you are in your journey and whatever your aspirations or concerns. Find out more about our support for researchers:

Thursday 20 June 2024 (9th Week, Trinity Term)

Networking and LinkedIn
Date: 20 June 2024, 14:00 - 15:30 (Thursday, 9th week, Trinity 2024)
Speaker Various Speakers
Venue Details: Online
Organisers: TBA
Hosts: TBA

This list contains talks from the following series:
Careers Beyond Academia: Options and Pathways for Researchers