ORA collection on AI & Machine Learning launch event
The Bodleian Libraries have recently launched the ORA (Oxford Research Archive) collection on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (ora.ox.ac.uk/collections/ai). This portal collects the AI-related research output from Oxford authors across all disciplines in ORA. To launch this wonderful resource we have organised an event with knowledgeable researchers in the field of AI and Machine Learning at Oxford. There will be a series of short talks followed by a Q&A. The event will be followed by a tea, coffee and biscuit break with a chance to network with colleagues and potential collaborators.

Book your place and we’ll see you at the Main Hall, Taylorian Institution.
Date: 19 March 2024, 10:00
Venue: Main Hall
Speaker: Various Speakers
Organiser: Rachel Scanlon (Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford)
Host: Alessandra Vetrugno (Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford)
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://ox-ac.libcal.com/calendar/rslevents/ora-ai
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Catherine Dockerty