Weinrebe Lecture: Blake Morrison in conversation with Hermione Lee: Two Sisters and the Art of Life-Writing
We look forward to welcoming you to this term’s Weinrebe Lecture. Blake Morrison will join Hermione Lee in conversation about his recent book Two Sisters.

Blake Morrison reflects on the challenges, rewards and ethics of putting together family memoirs.
Date: 31 October 2023, 17:30
Venue: Leonard Wolfson Auditorium
Speaker: Blake Morrison
Organising department: Oxford Centre for Life-Writing
Organiser: Oxford Centre for Life Writing
Organiser contact email address: admin.oclw@wolfson.ox.ac.uk
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://oclw.web.ox.ac.uk/event/blake-morrison
Cost: Free
Audience: Public
Editor: Anna Senkiw