Unravelling the tumor microenvironment of gastric cancer peritoneal metastase

Raghav Sundar is a clinician-scientist specializing in gastrointestinal oncology. He is a Consultant Medical Oncologist at the National University Cancer Institute, Singapore, and Research Director, Department of Haematology-Oncology, National University Hospital. He treats patients with gastrointestinal malignancies including colorectal, gastric and hepatobiliary malignancies. He specializes in experimental therapeutics and early phase clinical trials, and is a part of the Phase 1 clinical trials team. He underwent fellowship training at the Drug Development Unit, Royal Marsden Hospital, UK. His research interest is in genomics and epigenetics of gastric cancer and tumors that metastasize to the peritoneum. He studies the interaction between the tumor epigenome and the immune microenvironment. His work has identified predictive biomarkers of systemic therapy in gastric cancer as well as potential therapeutic targets. His studies incorporate contemporary technology such as spatial transcriptomics and machine-learning. Another area of research interest in chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy. As a translational clinician-scientist his works arches across several domains, collaborating with engineers, bioinformaticians, laboratory scientists, pharmaceutical and industry partners. He has published over 80 manuscripts, in high impact journals such as Cancer Discovery, Journal of Clinical Oncology, British Medical Journal and Gut.