Food Thinkers Lunch: Food foresights
Dr Monika Zurek, Environmental Change Institute
There are many people working directly or indirectly on food across the University’s staff and student body, and across a vast range of disciplines. Food Thinkers Lunches aim to provide an informal atmosphere for the stimulation and exchange of ideas, and the building of collaborations. Each lunch has a theme and two speakers who will speak briefly (5-10 minutes) on their work as it relates to the theme.
The lunches are hosted by Linacre College in their Small Dining Room, an ideal venue for people with like-minded interests to gather and eat together in a convivial and relaxed atmosphere.
The lunches are sponsored by the IFSTAL programme (, the Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Food (, the ECI Food Systems Group ( and Linacre College (
Please note. The event is free to attend; please only register if you are certain you will be able to attend. If you register and have to cancel please contact us as soon as possible so that we can offer your place to someone else. We reserve the right to refuse attendance to persistent no-shows.
24 November 2017, 12:15
Linacre College, St Cross Road OX1 3JA
Venue Details:
Small Dining Room
Dr. Monika Zurek (Environmental Change Institute)
Dr Saher Hasnain (University of Oxford),
Dr Michael Panagopulos (University of Oxford)
Part of:
Food Thinkers Lunches
Booking required?:
Booking url:
Members of the University only
Michael Panagopulos