IDEA Launch
Join us for the launch of IDEA, a University of Oxford initiative addressing inequalities in entrepreneurship.

IDEA (Increasing Diversity in Enterprising Activities) is a set of interventions and actions aimed at addressing inequalities in entrepreneurship. The first programme is aimed at supporting women in the University of Oxford (students, staff/researchers and alumni), but also women in the Oxfordshire community.

Join us for our first event where we will have an open conversation about the role of diversity in entrepreneurship, and how IDEA is going to help progress the agenda. There will also be time for you to meet others – the event will finish at 8pm, but we will keep the meeting open until 8:30pm if anyone wants to continue the conversation!

Open to anyone connected to Oxfordshire who thinks diversity in entrepreneurship is important.

Find out more about IDEA here:
Date: 8 February 2021, 19:00
Venue: Venue to be announced
Speaker: Various Speakers
Organising department: Research Services
Organiser: Leah Thompson (Enterprising Oxford (Knowledge Exchange and Impact Team, Research Services))
Organiser contact email address:
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Cost: Free
Audience: Public
Editor: Leah Thompson