Information Retrieval for your Research Project
This session is an introduction to effective searching for scientific journals and papers beyond searching with Google, Google Scholar or PubMed. By the end of the session you will:

- Find quality journals and papers using SOLO (the University’s resource discovery tool) and subject databases. – Understand the importance of planning a search and practise standard search techniques and strategies. – Know how to build a successful search in Medline on the Ovid search platform. – Identify cited papers. – Get practical advice for troubleshooting searches.

This event will take place in the Seminar Room at the Radcliffe Science Library, and is aimed at undergraduate medical students.
Date: 21 May 2024, 10:00
Venue: Radcliffe Science Library, off Parks Road OX1 3QP
Venue Details: Seminar Room
Speaker: Karine Barker (Bodleian Libraries)
Organising department: Bodleian Libraries
Organiser: Karine Barker (Bodleian Libraries)
Organiser contact email address:
Host: Karine Barker (Bodleian Libraries)
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Catherine Dockerty