Delirium and long-term cognitive outcomes: lessons from population studies
Delirium affects around 1 in 5 older inpatients and is associated with substantial harm including falls, increased length of stay and rehabilitation needs. Long-term outcomes from delirium are increasingly recognised, though it is not clear if delirium is unmasking a previously unrecognised dementia or if in some cases delirium is directly accelerating the trajectory of cognitive decline.
This seminar will review some of the epidemiological approaches used to track cognitive function before, during and after acute hospitalisation and delirium. We will discuss some of the methodological challenges with reference to current cohort studies.
Date: 19 November 2019, 9:30 (Tuesday, 6th week, Michaelmas 2019)
Venue: Warneford Hospital, Headington OX3 7JX
Venue Details: Seminar Room, Department of Psychiatry
Speaker: Dr Daniel Davis (University College London)
Organising department: Department of Psychiatry
Organiser: Elizabeth Thomas (University of Oxford)
Part of: Psychiatry Seminars
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Elizabeth Thomas