The Physiological Society’s Bayliss Starling Prize Lecture
Associate Professor Samira Lakhal-Littleton, MRC Senior Non-Clinical Research Fellow and Associate Professor of Physiology, will be giving The Physiological Society’s Bayliss Starling Prize Lecture during their 2021 Annual Conference. The Society’s Bayliss Starling Prize Lecture is an annually awarded lecture made possible by a generous donation from the Bayliss and Starling Society. It is given to early career as well as established physiologists in alternate years. Lakhal-Littleton will be talking about ‘Local iron homeostasis: Mechanisms, importance and implications’.

This year, The Physiological Society’s Annual Conference, ‘Physiology 2021’ will be an innovative online event, with hundreds of physiologists from around the world. Happening on 12 – 16 July, the conference will feature the best and most exciting in current physiological research.
Date: 15 July 2021, 9:00
Venue: Online
Speaker: Associate Professor Samira Lakhal-Littleton (DPAG, University of Oxford)
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Talitha Smith