Journeys of the mind: Bach's Clavier-Übung series - A Talk by Robert Quinney
What makes Bach’s music so expressively potent; what might account for the celebrated eloquence of the Goldberg Variations? The affective qualities of Bach’s music may seem to sit uncomfortably with its celebrated technical sophistication. This talk will explore the ways in which these apparent opposites are held together, aiming to situate Bach’s series of Clavierübung publications in their historical and cultural context – on the cusp of the Enlightenment.

This talk forms part of a day of discussions and performances exploring the Bach Goldberg Variations.
Date: 27 January 2017, 18:00 (Friday, 2nd week, Hilary 2017)
Venue: Holywell Music Room, Holywell Street OX1 3BN
Speaker: Robert Quinney (Organist and Director of New College Choir)
Organising department: Faculty of Music
Organiser: Liz Green (University of Oxfod )
Host: Natalie Clein (Director of Performance, University of Oxford)
Booking required?: Recommended
Booking url:
Cost: Various
Audience: Public
Editor: Elizabeth Green