Transnational Political Culture: Literature and Graffiti Across the Tokugawa and Meiji Periods

Panel 4 – Transnational Political Culture: Literature and Graffiti Across the Tokugawa and Meiji Periods
Richard J. Lynn
“Balancing Tradition and the Modern 傳統和現代化的平衡: Huang Zunxian in Japan (1877-1882) 黃遵憲在日本”
Kiri Paramore
“The Many Closing Doors of Japan’s mid C19th ‘Opening‘”
This talk is part of the “Reopening the ‘Opening of Japan’” Two-day international graduate conference to mark the 150th anniversary of the Meiji Ishin at the Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies, University of Oxford. For our full list of speakers, please see