Policy for a net zero UK
Policy for a net zero UK
ABSTRACT: Analysis suggests that if the aspirations in the Paris agreement are to be met, the UK should reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions between 2045 and 2070. Meeting such a goal would have significant implications for the energy sector across 5 policy areas:

1. Technology: larger portfolio of early stage technological “bets”
2. Infrastructure: investment fit for a net zero world
3. Economics: incentives in various guises (especially carbon pricing)
4. Finance: regulation to manage risks of stranded assets
5. Carbon removal: Support for CDR / CCUS and potential legal intervention
Thus far, we are not on track. This talk assesses priorities to get back on track, including policies to accelerate electricity decarbonisation, planning ahead for buildings and transport to avoid later regret, getting started on carbon dioxide utilisation and removal.

Cameron Hepburn is the Director of the Economics of Sustainability Programme, based at the Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School. He is also Professor of Environmental Economics at the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, a Fellow at New College, Oxford, and a Professorial Research Fellow at the Grantham Research Institute at the London School of Economics.

He has published widely on energy, resources and environmental challenges across a range of disciplines and provides advice on energy and climate policy to government ministers (e.g. China, India, UK and Australia) and international institutions (e.g. OECD, UN organisations) around the world. Cameron began his professional life with McKinsey, and has since had an entrepreneurial career, co-founding three successful businesses – Aurora Energy Research, Climate Bridge and Vivid Economics – and investing in several other social enterprises, such as Purpose and Apolitical. He also serves as a trustee for Schola Cantorum of Oxford.


This event will be held in the Beckit Room in the School of Geography and the Environment at 5.30pm. Entry is £2 for non-members and free for members and the talk will be followed by free pizza and drinks!

Facebook event: www.facebook.com/events/147503852620743
Date: 24 January 2018, 17:30 (Wednesday, 2nd week, Hilary 2018)
Venue: Dyson Perrins Building, off South Parks Road OX1 3QY
Venue Details: Beckit Room (1st floor) - School of Geography and the Environment
Speaker: Prof Cameron Hepburn (University of Oxford)
Organiser: Oxford Energy Society (University of Oxford Student Society)
Organiser contact email address: president@energysoc.org
Part of: Oxford Energy Society
Booking required?: Not required
Cost: £2 for non-members, free for members
Audience: Public
Editor: Alice Joy Evans