Mokoro seminar on New Research on Women’s Land Rights
It will be a forum for people who have relatively recently been doing extended fieldwork (for PhDs etc.) to share some of what they’ve found about the current status of women’s land rights in the places they have been studying, as well as trying to link it into what their research can contribute to the current debates on women’s land rights, and especially to identifying new arenas for action, lobbying etc.
The main speakers will be Helen Dancer (University of Brighton), who will talk on the legal land disputes side of her research in Tanzania, following publication of her excellent recent book, Women, Land & Justice in Tanzania (James Currey), and Kristina Lanz (University of Berne), who has been researching gender and large-scale land acquisitions in the Volta region of Ghana, where the role of foreign researchers is mitigated through the very complex power relations at play.
We also hope that Barbara Gärber (University of Vienna) will be able to talk about her work on gender, land and livestock in a context of increasing sedentarianization in Karamoja, Uganda, but that cannot be confirmed at present.
So please make a note of this event, pass the word on to others who might be interested, and if you think you might be able to attend, please contact Zoe Driscoll, Mokoro’s Research and Projects Officer who will be able to provide further details nearer the time.
10 November 2015, 11:00
Mokoro office, The Old Music Hall, 106-108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1JE
Helen Dancer (University of Brighton),
Kristina Lanz (University of Berne)
Organiser contact email address:
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Booking email:
Emma Weisbord