Day 2: The Latin Works of Piccolomini (PP Pius II): A Colloquium
This colloquium( is the first in a collaboration on medieval and early modern Latin between the Faculty of Classics at the University of Oxford and the Abteilung für Griechische und Lateinische Philologie at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn. There will be eleven papers on the Latin works of the fifteenth-century humanist, Enea Silvio Piccolomini (later Pope Pius II). The draft timetable is available here (

The colloquium begins on Thursday afternoon and runs until Friday evening. The registration fee of £10:- contributes toward the subsidised cost of refreshments (incl. lunch on the full day). To register, please follow this link to the University Stores:

Please direct any queries to Dr Tristan Franklinos
Date: 24 February 2023, 9:00
Venue: 66 St Giles', 66 St Giles' OX1 3LU
Venue Details: Ioannou Centre for Classical & Byzantine Studies, Faculty of Classics, 66, St. Giles’ Oxford OX1 3LU
Speakers: Speaker to be announced
Organiser: Oxford Medieval Studies
Organiser contact email address:
Host: Dr Tristan Franklinos
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Cost: £10
Audience: Public
Editor: Coral Kim