WIN Seminar: Bringing Transcranial Ultrasound Stimulation into Focus
Link available the week of seminar on the WIN Intranet:
Abstract: Low intensity transcranial ultrasound stimulation (TUS) can modulate brain activity without a temperature rise. I’ll present our results in two large animal models, as well as discuss the mechanism. I’ll also discuss the auditory confound in the mouse model in some detail, with thoughts on work I’d like to do in humans. Lastly, I’ll discuss some results on imaging the focal spot in the large animal model with MRI, with discussion on the use of MR-ARFI for calibrating the intensity in humans.

Biography: Kim Butts Pauly holds a BS in Physics from Duke University and a PhD in Biophysical Sciences from the Mayo Graduate School. She is currently Professor at Stanford University with appointments in Radiology and Electrical Engineering and Bioengineering, by courtesy. She is Director of the Radiological Sciences Laboratory at Stanford ( She is a Fellow of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE)‘s College of Fellows and a Distinguished Investigator at The Academy of Radiology Research.
Date: 11 April 2022, 14:00
Venue: Venue to be announced
Speaker: Kim Butts-Pauly (Stanford)
Organising department: Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences
Organiser: Nancy Rawlings (University of Oxford)
Part of: WIN Wednesdays Seminar Series
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Andrew Galloway