Play-testing an innovative game of the Red Cross to communicate climate risk
AOPP invites you to help play test a game developed by the International Federation of the Red Cross. Margot Curl of the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre will deliver a short lecture on using games to communicate climate risk. She will then lead the group to play test and get feedback on a new game at an advanced stage of development. Play testing provides an invaluable opportunity to improve on the games used within the Red Cross Red Crescent movement to communicate complex ideas affecting the humanitarian sector in a fun and engaging way. Your participation is much appreciated!

More about the game: Experiencing climate risk

Roll the dice on climate in this innovative risk game delivered by the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre. Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and severe under the influence of climate change – but what does that really mean for finance professionals? Experience physical climate risk in our brand new risk game that will put you in charge of financial decisions and let you experience risk hands on.
Date: 31 October 2018, 15:00
Venue: Beecroft Building
Speaker: Margot Curl (Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre )
Organising department: Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics
Organiser contact email address:
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Cost: Free
Audience: Public
Editors: Deborah Walnicki, Donna Palfreman, Helen Morley, Chris White