Letters from a distant relation: Berdichevsky's Yiddish translations
James Redfield is Assistant Professor of Biblical and Talmudic Literature in the department of Theological Studies at St. Louis University.
He received his PhD (Religious Studies) from Stanford University in 2017 and his MA (Anthropology) from UC Berkeley in 2010. In addition to his work as a translator (French, German, Yiddish) and varied interests in the academic humanities, his research focuses on Talmudic literature and the history of anthropology.

Drinks at 6.45pm
All welcome
Date: 5 June 2017, 19:15
Venue: Clarendon Institute, Walton Street OX1 2HG
Speaker: James Redfield (Stanford University )
Organising department: Faculty of Theology and Religion
Organiser contact email address: enquiries@ochjs.ac.uk
Part of: The David Patterson Lectures
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Public
Editor: Andreia Gomes Da Costa Leite