Literature and Faith in Early Modern England: A Symposium in Honour of Susan Brigden
10.00-10.15 Welcome and Introduction
10.15-11.15 Session I: Tudor Testaments
Chair TBC
Henry Woudhuysen, “A Tudor New Testament: Two Dudleys and a Pickering”
Suzannah Lipscombe, “The Deathbed Faith of Henry VIII”
11.15-11.45 Tea and Coffee
11.15-12.45 Session II: Friendship, Commerce and Charity
Chair: Ian Archer
Lucy Wooding, “Charity and Friendship in Early Modern England”
Ioanna Tsakiropoulou, “Anne Blount’s Book: Charity in a City Merchant’s Household, 1594-5
12.45-2.00 Lunch
2.00-3.30 Session III: Poetry and History
Chair TBC
Claire Preston, “The Punctual Relations of Sir Thomas Browne”
Blair Worden, “Andrew Marvell, Tom May and Ben Jonson”
Scott Mandelbrote, “Poetry and Perversion in mid-seventeenth-century Cambridge”
3.30-4.00 Tea and Coffee
4.00-5.00 Session IV: Faith, Literature and Learning
Chair: George Southcombe
Alexandra Gajda, “William Camden’s 1590s’
Peter Marshall, “Writing the English Reformation”
5.00 Round-up and Closing Remarks
5.30 Drinks Reception
12 July 2016, 10:00
Lincoln College, Turl Street OX1 3DR
Venue Details:
Oakeshott Room
Henry Woudhuysen,
Suzannah Lipscombe,
Lucy Wooding,
Ioanna Tsakiropoulou,
Claire Preston,
Blair Worden,
Scott Mandelbrote,
Alexandra Gajda,
Peter Marshall
Booking required?:
Not required
Members of the University only
Laura Spence