A (2+1)-dimensional Anisotropic KPZ growth model with a smooth phase
Stochastic growth processes in dimension (2+1) were conjectured by D. Wolf, on the basis of renormalization-group arguments, to fall into two distinct universality classes known as the isotropic KPZ class and the anisotropic KPZ class (AKPZ). The former is characterized by strictly positive growth and roughness exponents, while in the AKPZ class, fluctuations are logarithmic in time and space. These classes are determined by the sign of the determinant of the Hessian of the speed of growth.

It is natural to ask (a) if one can exhibit interesting growth models with “smooth” stationary states, i.e., with O(1) fluctuations (instead of logarithmically or power-like growing, as in Wolf’s picture) and (b) what new phenomena arise when the speed of growth is not smooth, so that its Hessian is not defined. These two questions are actually related and in this talk, we provide an answer to both, in a specific framework. This is joint work with Fabio Toninelli (CNRS and Lyon 1).
Date: 4 March 2019, 11:00
Venue: Mathematical Institute, Woodstock Road OX2 6GG
Venue Details: L4
Speaker: Sunil Chhita (Durham University)
Organising department: Department of Statistics
Part of: Probability seminar
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Public
Editor: Christina Goldschmidt