Lecture 1: Emotion in the German Peasants' War
If we are to understand what made people risk everything to engage in rebellion, we need to think about their emotions and to understand theology differently. This lecture outlines the emotional patterns of the Peasants’ War and asks how they can help explain what happened.
Date: 1 March 2021, 17:30 (Monday, 7th week, Hilary 2021)
Venue: Online with Zoom
Speaker: Professor Lyndal Roper (Oriel College, Oxford)
Part of: Natalie Zemon Davis Annual Lectures 2020/21: Lyndal Roper on the German Peasants' War
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScIVpdbmLX7Bs3aY3mpw2QV2WSOsjpYxV4c3LFTlOO1aZfjFQ/viewform
Audience: Public
Editor: Laura Spence