Policy engagement for biodiversity: Engaging with international biodiversity policy
Policymaking for biodiversity is an international affair. From the conferences of the United Nations to local offices of Non-Governmental Organisations across the world, there are a diverse range of entry points for engaging with policy. So, what are the major international arenas for biodiversity-related policies? What is the role of Global Environmental Assessments such as IPBES and international NGOs as mediators between academia and policy-making? How might an academic think about building international policy engagement into their research agenda? In this seminar featuring contributions from academics active in informing and supporting international biodiversity policy, we will discuss the opportunities and challenges of thinking about policy engagement at the international level.
Professor Sandra Díaz, Córdoba National University and Co-Chair of IPBES Global Assessment
Professor E.J. Milner-Gulland, Department of Zoology
Dr. Mohammad Farhadinia, Researcher, Oxford Martin School
Dr. Mark Hirons, School of Geography and the Environment
26 May 2021, 10:00
Venue to be announced
Speaker: Various Speakers
Organising department:
School of Geography and the Environment
Dr. Jasper Montana (University of Oxford)
Organiser contact email address:
Part of:
Policy Engagement for Biodiversity
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Members of the University only
Jasper Montana