Building effective cancer immunotherapy. Lessons from ovarian cancer
Professor Coukos is the Director of the Ludwig Cancer Research Center at the University of Lausanne. He is a prominent oncologist in ovarian cancer research and treatment and a pioneer in using cutting-edge advances in immunotherapy to help patients living with cancer. His laboratory studies the mechanisms regulating the trafficking and regulation of immune cell function within the tumour and the mechanisms shaping the extent to which the presence of tumours spawns an immune system response. In addition, the laboratory is exploring the role of VEGF in immune regulation and is involved in investigating basic mechanisms of immune-vascular interactions and angiogenesis in the context of ovarian carcinoma.
Date: 26 February 2015, 11:00
Venue: NDM Building, Headington OX3 7FZ
Venue Details: Basement Seminar Room
Speaker: Prof. George Coukos (Director of the Ludwig Cancer Research Center, University of Lausanne)
Organising department: Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Oxford Branch
Part of: Ludwig Institute Seminar Series
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Anne Bowtell