BIOMOD Info Session
BIOMOD is an annual biomolecular design competition for students. Undergraduate teams compete to build the coolest stuff using the molecules of life. Previous winners have used DNA, RNA, and proteins as building blocks to create autonomous robots, molecular computers, and prototypes for nanoscale therapeutics. Students lead projects each summer and then travel to the Jamboree at Harvard, USA, in late October to present their work and win awards. To find out more, check out the BIOMOD competition and the projects by previous teams. To learn how to start your own team, come along to chat with previous participant Robbie Oppenheimer.
Date: 30 November 2016, 17:00
Venue: Clarendon Laboratory, Parks Road OX1 3PU
Venue Details: Martin Woods Lecture theatre
Speaker: Robbie Oppenheimer
Part of: SynBio.Oxford
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: James Scott-Brown