Women’s agency from medieval Catalonia to the Antilles in the Age of Revolution
This meeting will consist of a group discussion of the following two articles, which will be pre-circulated:

- Alexandra Guerson and Dana Wessel Lightfoot, ‘A tale of two Tolranas: Jewish women’s agency and conversion in late medieval Girona’, Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies (2020)

- Rebecca J. Scott and Carlos Venegas Fornias, ‘María Coleta and the Capuchin Friar: Slavery, Salvation, and the Adjudication of Status’, William and Mary Quarterly (2019)

The authors of one of the two articles, Alexandra Guerson (University of Toronto) and Dana Wessel Lightfoot (University of Northern British Columbia) will participate in the meeting.
Date: 28 October 2020, 16:30 (Wednesday, 3rd week, Michaelmas 2020)
Venue: Online with Zoom
Speakers: Alexandra Guerson (University of Toronto), Dana Wessel Lightfoot (University of Northern British Columbia)
Organising department: Faculty of History
Part of: Iberian History Seminar
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIvcuCoqzgtH9CpOrrDTy_aUo8nO40xsxWM
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Laura Spence