NHS: Fit for Practice?
The Richard Doll Society of Green Templeton College is proud to have a world-renowned line up of speakers to discuss the Future of the NHS.

With a fantastic line up of internationally renowned speakers and a panel discussion fielding your questions on the day, the following topics will be covered:

Professor Sir Richard Peto on Epidemiology and changing health demographics
Nick Fahy on Brexit; It’s effect on our health and healthcare systems
Professor Richard Wilkinson: how does social inequality impact healthcare
Professor Simon Leedham: Personalised medicine and the NHS

Our full day conference, supported by the generosity of the GTC Annual Fund, includes refreshments and lunch in the college dining hall.

Deposit: £10 (fully refundable upon attendance).

Tickets available from:

We are holding a photo competition entitled, “What does the NHS mean to you?”. Please submit your photographs to krithi.ravi@gtc.ox.ac.uk by 16th October!

Follow the facebook page for more details www.facebook.com/events/117570158889325 but don’t wait too long to sign up – our places are filling fast!
Date: 21 October 2017, 9:30
Venue: Green Templeton College, Woodstock Road OX2 6HG
Speaker: Various Speakers
Organiser: Akriti Nanda (University of Oxford)
Organiser contact email address: akriti.nanda@gtc.ox.ac.uk
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: http://www.oxforduniversitystores.co.uk/product-catalogue/green-templeton-college/green-templeton-college-events/richard-doll-society-annual-conference-2017
Cost: Free with £10 deposit (fully refundable upon attendance)
Audience: Public
Editor: Akriti Nanda