Queer Poetry Reading – Édith Azam, Laura Doyle Péan, Calliope Michail, Lola Olufemi, Azad Ashim Sharma
In this poetry reading, we will hear from two works of contemporary queer French poetry, published in translation by the87press, which will be introduced by Azad Ashim Sharma, Director of the87. In French, Laura Doyle Péan will read from their book Coeur Yoyo, and Édith Azam will read from her book Oiseau-Moi. In English, Lola Olufemi and Calliope Michail will read from Stuart Bell’s translations, Bird me and Yo-yo Heart.

Information on how to register can be found on the OCCT website: www.occt.ox.ac.uk/special-event-queer-poetry-poetry-reading
Date: 24 November 2021, 17:30
Venue: Microsoft Teams - this session requires registration
Speaker: Various Speakers
Part of: Oxford Comparative Criticism and Translation
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://www.occt.ox.ac.uk/special-event-queer-poetry-poetry-reading
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Katy Terry