Wollheim on Pictorial Expression
Regular attendees should note the earlier than usual start time and change of venue - enter St John's at the Kendrew Quad entrance. This seminar is joint with the Richard Wollheim Centenary Project -- see https://wollheimcentenary.org/programme-of-events/. Please register at wollheimcentenary@gmail.com confirming your status as academic (includes students), mental health practitioner, or other (please specify).
This introductory talk will give an outline of Richard Wollheim’s work aimed at a non-specialist audience and those coming to it for the first time. I will adumbrate some of the ways in which Wollheim explores what it means, and what it is, to live the life of a person. Wollheim’s ‘critical existentialism’ unites (if it doesn’t necessarily unify) his fictional and philosophical texts.
Date: 19 February 2024, 18:00
Venue: The Kendrew Barn, St John's College
Speaker: Niall Gildea
Organisers: Louise Braddock, Paul Tod
Organiser contact email address: paul.tod@sjc.ox.ac.uk
Part of: Interdisciplinary Seminars in Psychoanalysis
Booking required?: Required
Booking email: wollheimcentenary@gmail.com
Cost: Free
Audience: The workshop is open to university members and mental health professionals. All are welcome but space is limited. If you wish to attend please register.
Editor: Paul Tod