Making the most of Oxford and Preparing for your Career Next Steps (Workshop)
For research staff and Rhodes Scholars only
Would you benefit from some dedicated time to think about your steps beyond Oxford? Are you wondering how to position yourself for work with integrity and a sense of excitement about future possibilities?

Come and join a lively group of new, and perhaps familiar, early career scholars and researchers from across the world who are looking to improve their confidence and skills to approach the next stage of professional and career development.

This workshop will be facilitated by Rachel Bray in the Careers Service, Leah Thompson of Enterprising Oxford and Nadiya Figueroa of Rhodes House. We will explore the role of stories and narratives in finding and creating work, with opportunity to practice building narratives appropriate to work sectors of interest to you. Working together, we will help each other identify (potentially hidden) strengths and skills, discussing ways to bring these out when deepening our networks and making job applications.

Next we will focus on an entrepreneurial approach to career development, looking at ways to take ownership of the process from early on and to make the most of what is on offer at Oxford or beyond. Here we will use ‘solution sets’ to help each other address any gaps in skills or experience, and how to fill these. Finally, we will identify concrete steps for moving forward, including how to tap into local activities, training, mentors etc.

A welcome brunch and afternoon tea/coffee will be provided.

Please note that this workshop was initiated by Rhodes House with the intention of enabling Rhodes Scholars and research staff to meet each other and learn from their respective experiences. There are approximately 35 places available for research staff for this event, with the possibility of holding future such events if demand exceeds capacity.
Date: 18 May 2019, 11:00
Venue: Rhodes House, South Parks Road OX1 3RG
Speakers: Dr Rachel Bray (Oxford University Careers Service), Leah Thompson (MPLS Division)
Organising department: Careers Service
Organiser: Dr Rachel Bray (Oxford University Careers Service)
Organiser contact email address:
Host: Dr Rachel Bray (Oxford University Careers Service)
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Booking email:
Cost: 0
Audience: For Oxford University research staff and Rhodes Scholars only
Editor: Rachel Bray