Quentin Skinner Lecture and Colloquium: 'The Nature of Politics and the History of Political Thought'
The Lecture and Colloquium will be on Friday 9 June, beginning at 11 am, in the Alison Richard Building, Sidgwick Site, West Road, Cambridge.

Dr Sophie Smith (University of Oxford) is the Quentin Skinner Fellow 2016-17. She will be giving the annual Quentin Skinner lecture and participating in the symposium.

Participants in the afternoon Colloquium include Emma Claussen, Noah Dauber, Melissa Lane and Richard Tuck.

For full details and registration: www.crassh.cam.ac.uk/events/27189

There is a charge for this event (£25, but £12.50 for students): this covers coffee, lunch, tea and drinks at the close of the Colloquium.

The Quentin Skinner Lecture and Colloquium are made possible by the generosity of Professor Quentin Skinner, and afford an opportunity to an early career scholar to present and discuss new work.
Date: 9 June 2017, 11:00 (Friday, 7th week, Trinity 2017)
Venue: Alison Richard Building, Ground Floor SG1
Speaker: Various Speakers
Booking required?: Required
Audience: Public
Editors: Charles Game, James Baldwin, Ellysia Graymore