09:30 Coffee
10:00 Frank James (UCL) Opening remarks
10:15 Laurence Chen (UCL) Mercurial self-fashioning: mythological (auto)biographies in Elias Ashmole’s Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum
10:45 Sergei Zotov (Warwick) Visual Biographies: Portraits and Monuments in Early Modern Alchemical Manuscripts
11:15 Charlotte Abney Salomon (SHI) J.G. Gahn, in the Words of Others
11:45 Anna Simmons (UCL) “The perspicuity of style, and the proprietary of expression”: Lectures, Laboratories and William Thomas Brande (1788-1866)
12:15 Lunch break (NB: lunch is not provided, but some will be heading to the Wellcome café)
14:00 Jenny Wilson (UCL) Campaigning for peace: The work of Dame Kathleen Lonsdale FRS (1903-1971)
14:30 Annette Lykknes (NTNU, Trondheim) Clusters of women in laboratories or institutes of technology: Reflections on prosopographical approaches to the history of (women in) chemistry
15:00 Tea
15:30 Carsten Reinhardt (Bielefeld) Autobiographies of Chemists: The Lives in Chemistry Series
16:00 Judith Kaplan (SHI) Who are the Biographers? Reflections on Problem Choice and Personal Investment
16:30 Roundtable for reminiscences to mark the 90th anniversary of SHAC with a glass of wine
Participants will include Gerrylynn Roberts, John Brooke and Peter Morris
17:30 End of meeting