Michael Wood : The Story of England - Kibworth Revisited
In 2010 the BBC aired ‘Michael Wood’s Story of England’, which looked at a single place – Kibworth in Leicestershire – through the whole of English history. Drawing on archaeology, the superb Merton College archives, and work with the local community, the series told history from the bottom up – from the perspective of the people not the rulers, and from the provinces not the capital. Out of this came tales of medieval peasant households, Lollards, religious nonconformists, framework knitters, and even post-war housing estates.

In this one-off lecture, using slides and video clips, Michael Wood will look at the series afresh, assessing new finds and exploring its long-term impact on the growth of community history. The lecture is in support of the Victoria County History of Oxfordshire – part of a major national research project (the Victoria History of the Counties of England) which similarly looks at history from the bottom up, and which is gradually compiling a history of every village, town, and parish in England.

The entry price includes a glass of wine at a short post-lecture drinks reception.
Date: 26 September 2022, 18:00 (Monday, -1st week, Michaelmas 2022)
Venue: T. S. Eliot Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Professor Michael Wood (The University of Manchester)
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/michael-wood-the-story-of-england-kibworth-revisited-tickets-368641375277
Cost: £15
Audience: Public
Editor: Simon Cope