Spontaneous shape transformations of active surfaces

Biological matter has the fascinating ability to autonomously generate material deformations via intrinsic active forces, where the latter are often present within effectively two-dimensional structures. The dynamics of such “active surfaces” inevitably entails a complex, self-organized interplay between geometry of a surface and its mechanical interactions with the surrounding. The impact of these factors on the self-organization capacity of surfaces made of an active material, and how related effects are exploited in biological systems, is largely unknown.

In this talk, I will first discuss general numerical challenges in analysing self-organising active surfaces and the bifurcation structure of emergent shape spaces. I will then focus on active surfaces with broken up-down symmetry, of which the eukaryotic cell cortex and epithelial tissues are highly abundant biological examples. In such surfaces, a natural interplay arises between active stresses and surface curvature. We demonstrate that this interplay leads to a comprehensive library of spontaneous shape transformations that resemble stereotypical morphogenetic processes. These include cell-division-like invaginations and the autonomous formation of tubular surfaces of arbitrary length, both of which robustly overcome well-known shape instabilities that would arise in analogue passive systems.

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