1st Oxford Academic Kidney Network Symposium
The new Oxford Academic Kidney Network invites you to their first symposium.


To raise awareness of the breadth of kidney associated academic and clinical expertise in Oxford
To encourage collaboration within and across university and clinical departments
To provide opportunities for junior colleagues to present their work

Group leaders: Express an interest in presenting your work using the registration link below

Student, post-doctoral researcher, clinician in training, early career researcher or clinical team members: Abstract submission for a short oral presentation or poster 250 words maximum emailed to: OAK.network@ndm.ox.ac.uk
Date: 1 April 2025, 9:00
Venue: Richard Doll Building, Old Road Campus OX3 7LF
Venue Details: Richard Doll Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Various Speakers
Organiser contact email address: OAK.network@ndm.ox.ac.uk
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://forms.office.com/e/4yuv87B2Pn
Audience: Members of the University only
Editors: Louise King, Ben Alexander