Brazil: The first 100 days of the Lula administration

Join the Lemann Foundation Programme and a team of experts to critically discuss the first 100 days of Luís Inácio “Lula” da Silva’s new administration in Brazil. In October 2022, the country experienced a dramatically polarised election that was decided by a razor-thin margin of less than two percentage points over Jair Bolsonaro.

Lula became head of state for the third time in January, twenty years after the start of his first presidential term. What has the new Lula government been up to so far? What is planned? And what progress can it make with a divided Congress and electorate?

The scenario the new Lula administration faces is challenging. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, which have deepened inequality, are still evident; the country has been put back into the UN Hunger Map; deforestation rates remain sky-high. This panel will discuss challenges, but also surface opportunities, such as recommendations for revisions to the Amazon Fund and proposals for digital governance.

After the panel, the Lemann Foundation Programme will host a small reception in the Inamori Forum (LG-1), with live Brazilian music provided by Fernando Maynart.

We hope to see you there!