Oxford Health Economics Virtual Workshop
IF YOU WANT TO PRESENT: please forward titles for 10 minute presentations to oxfordhecon@gmail.com by 1 March 2021.
The presentations can be flexible ranging from a draft paper (which can be circulated prior to the meeting) to work in progress slides, or even outline of a research theme you have been working.
A virtual workshop for health economists and economist working on health across Oxford University. The organizing committee involves (Liz Stokes, Lucy Abel, Catia Nicodemo; Oliver Rivero-Arias ; Padraig Dixon; Larry Roope, Stavros Petrou) The plan is to present work under a series of themes:
1. Health Economic Evaluation
2. Health Outcomes & New Methods
3. Health systems & inequalities
4. Working with Prof Alastair Gray
26 April 2021, 13:00
Venue to be announced
Speaker: Various Speakers
Organiser contact email address:
Booking required?:
Members of the University only
Stuart Redding